Be nice, don't rip.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
haven't posted in about two months, cos i've been really busy and so many things have cropped up.. this week we had about 3 tests, one which i skipped cos of hp interview which was a disaster(since they attacked my chinese language and me not reading lian he zao bao which completely blew me off the hook and made me stutter and stammer i was so flustered by the time i got out- but interviews are fun too cos you get to meet old friends and gossip about the interviewers who were so mean to you but oh well) but in spite of everything i still had the time to watch american idol(even though david cook kind of sucked but i still completely and totally support him) and take home chef at the same time (channel surfing) i don't know why on earth i chose to watch tv even though next week is also piled high with tests i think i need to get my priorities right but right now my personal welfare is right at the top of my list so i've decided to shove studying aside and i'll probably go straight to bed the moment i finish typing this.

every week now passes like a blur i don't even remember what happened last week i can only recall going for lectures and cca(which by the way, is starting to get really irritating since we have guitar 4 times a week-on saturday from 10-5 too! and saturday is extremely sacred for me because it happens to be my only free day and now its been taken away by guitar it pisses me off but whatever. so i'm trying to find ways to rebel the ridiculously many training sessions. its taking our lives away!! plus the fact that we've been playing the same song for the past 2 months or so over and over again doesn't help matters.

tomorrow is going to be one heck of a day again. i don't know how i get myself into these horrible situations, but i'm going to njc after school tomorrow to watch a soccer match. which oh, for your information, does not involve hci at all. it happens to be a match between njc and sajc, and i don't know for the life of me why i actually promised vanessa and co. i'll be there. not only will i be extremely(and i emphasise extremely) extra in khaki in the midst of grey and white, i'll also have to give up MORE time which should be used for, i repeat, studying which is something i honestly haven't been doing for the past few days. i think i've become quite a procrastinator.

now i better get some math done before i sleep so i'll give myself the impression i actually did work.



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